Martial Arts Qualifications
- 4th Dan Shihan
- 1st Degree Black Belt Jujitsu
- Kobujutsu
- Koshiki Referee
- Accredited Australian ISKA Referee
- Became a Student of the Hanshi in 1985
- Satalite School Owner -Forbes and Eugowra
- Won an Australian Team Title in Showmanship at the ISKA Australian Titles 2009
- Touring Member with Pollets of USA ISKA World Championships in 2009
- Competed in Showmanship in the ISKA World Championships in the USA in 2009
- Touring Team Member of Okinawa in 2011 with Pollets
- Member of the Pollets Exhibition Kata Team judged by Okinawan Grand Masters to be Best In Festival in Okinawa 2011
- Touring Team Member of Okinawa with Pollets 2012
- Participated in Goju Ryu Seminars held in Okinawa 2012
- Australian Assistant Coach of the Australian Team to South Africa 2013