Martial Arts Qualifications

  • 7th Degree Black Belt Okinawan Karate
  • 4th Degree Black Belt Kempo Jiu Jitsu
  • 2nd Degree Ryukyu Dento Kobujutsu Hozen Budo Kyokai
  • Kru Muay Thai – Muay Thai International Association (Accredited by the Royal Thai Government)
  • Professional Memberships & Positions
  • Oceania Tsuwamono Extreme Cage Fighting League Coach 2010
  • Qualified Instructor Muay Thai International Association – MTIA
  • Head Koshiki Referee International Sports Karate Association – ISKA

Kyoshi Benjamin Pollet is the Master Instructor of the Professional Full-time Facility Pollet’s Martial Arts Centre Orange. He was born into the Martial Arts World and now has over 40 years experience in the Martial Arts Industry. He has dedicated his life to the arts and his lifelong vision is “to keep the traditions of our Grand Masters alive, keep refining yourself as a human being and to practise the teachings of Jesus Christ”.

Kyoshi is an accomplished martial artist and competitor. He has competed at State, National and World Class events over many years with three World Championships and 15 National Anzenbogu Championships to add to his portfolio.

Kyoshi trains many fighters in the arts of Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA. He was the Oceanic Extreme Cage Fighting coach for the Tsuwamono Extreme Cage Fighting League in Japan in 2010.

Kyoshi’s students have competed in World Events including the Tsuwamono Extreme Cage Fighting League and the world renowned K-1 World-Wide Kickboxing League and they have brought belts back home to Australia.

Kyoshi Benjamin Pollet’s mission is to teach all of his students to live the way of Bushido, to help them find their inner strength, to be brave, courageous and disciplined, maintaining respect, to live an honourable life and remaining humble.

Kyoshi Benjamin Pollet runs professional accredited grading systems in four different martial arts disciplines, Okinawan Karate, Okinawan Kobudo, Muay Thai and Kempo Jiu Jitsu. Black Belt students grades in Okinawan Karate and Kobudo are registered under the World Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Association in Okinawa and Muay Thai grades are registered by the Royal Thai Government in Thailand.

To contact him regarding a private lesson, or training at the full-time centre see details here