From the outset, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) looks impressive, intimidating, and looks like a lot of fun. It is good for people to know that all facts these are true! However, the initial expectations of a complete beginner are most often completely different to the actual reality of practising Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Castle Hill. Our Castle Hill-based dojo has had plenty of newcomers join us over the years, and the numbers are only growing for this sport.
So the key question is: “Why is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu so challenging for newcomers?” Here are just a few reasons why, and there are actually more than just one reason. It is not just because of the physical requirements, but also the psychological ones that can challenge newcomers to the art.
The two main elements to lead a student to perceive BJJ as challenging, are within the mental and the physical aspects. To learn anything and be genuinely good at it, one’s ego has to be left at the door. Considering that BJJ is a contact art that involves elements of ground fighting and an ultimate victor, it can be very hard for a beginner of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu art to overcome the mental barriers they may face and accept that their skill level pre-training is not what they think they may seem.
The reality of learning BJJ
It will be extremely helpful for beginners studying BJJ Castle Hill to know that even the most well-rounded of coloured belt students experienced in legitimate grappling, striking, and other moves, are still learning new aspects of the art – even if they have clocked up years of recognized experience. This is the reality of learning. It is commonplace for classes to include a session of live rolling – in other words, a sparring session with various opponents including everyone in class from white belts to black belts. These sessions are valuable opportunities for students to put their practice into place, and receive live feedback from their opponents, their instructors, and themselves. The goal here is for the student to implement their skills and continue building upon practical knowledge. If a student is not practising what they have learnt, it will show in a live rolling session.
More often than not, and like almost all other martial arts, the training and implementation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves may look very easy to the untrained eye. It’s just one common misconception that leads newcomers to find Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu very physically challenging when they do end up on the mat for the first time.
BJJ Castle Hill: Physical Requirements
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu does indeed demand a certain level of cardio fitness, however, the tolls taken on the body are not the same as they are exhibited in repetitive gym workouts (like in weightlifting, running, or HIIT training, for example). Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be far more exhaustive, as it also includes the pushing and pulling from your opponent, and the muscle memory your body absorbs from practising moves daily. The latter is important here, as it is through repetition of moves that students are able to adapt and advance their skill in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
However challenging it may seem, Jiu-Jitsu itself is considered a ‘soft’ style martial art – as on a fundamental level, it is considered a soft and malleable art. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, therefore, allows students the option of not inflicting physical trauma on themselves and others while still retaining control over combat. It is in this notion that despite the challenges, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can teach students life-long skills of patience and discipline, all while achieving progression and mastery through the commitment to practice and the fundamentals of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu art.